Organizational Management Model


Code of Ethics and Conduct




Tecnoplast S.r.l., in order to ensure fairness and transparency in conducting business and corporate activities, has deemed it appropriate, in accordance with its corporate policies, to proceed with the adoption of an Organizational, Management, and Control Model (hereinafter also referred to as the “Model”) in line with the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/01 and the Guidelines issued by Confindustria, in their most updated version.

The Model can therefore be defined as an organic complex of principles, rules, and provisions, functional to the diligent management of a control and monitoring system of sensitive processes, whose adoption is aimed at ensuring that the company’s activities are carried out in full compliance with the law and at preventing and sanctioning any attempts to engage in behaviors at risk of committing one of the offenses specified by the Decree, as well as determining awareness among Tecnoplast’s shareholders, administrators, employees, and collaborators of the provisions and consequences arising from the violation of Legislative Decree 231/01.

Tecnoplast promotes the widest dissemination, both internally and externally, of the principles and provisions contained in the Model and in the Protocols related to it. Particular and specific attention is given to the dissemination of the Code of Ethics and Conduct, which is made available to third parties obliged to comply with its provisions.

Download the general part of Tecnoplast’s Organizational, Management and Control Model here.
Download Tecnoplast’s Code of Ethics and Conduct here.